ABC Radio Hobart number one station for 40+

ABC Radio Hobart is the number one station in reach and station most listened to for audiences 40 years and over in XTRA insights 2024 survey. The station also achieved our highest cumulative reach since 2016.

More than half of the Hobart audience listens to the ABC across our local and national networks. The ABC reaches 142,100 people in Hobart, our highest total network result since 2014 and 52.8% of the available audience in the market.

Audiences choose to start their day with ABC Radio Hobart’s Breakfast with Ryk Goddard, the number one Breakfast program for audiences 40+. Weekends and Evenings on ABC Radio Hobart were also number 1 with audiences 40+ this survey and Leon Compton in Mornings was 2nd in his slot for 40+ audiences.

ABC Radio Hobart Manager Samantha Stayner said: “Every day, we’re covering issues that matter to people right across Hobart and it’s fantastic to be growing our audience.”

“At ABC Radio Hobart we’re proudly local and we’re great company wherever you choose to listen with a fantastic mix of local news, insights, sport and entertainment – we have a lot of fun!”

In addition to the strong results in today’s survey, the ABC has a growing local audience on ABC listen including record-breaking results in March with 42,500 listening to ABC Radio Hobart in the week following the Tasmanian state election.

ABC Classic had a particularly strong survey result increasing their cumulative audience from 18,000 to 31,600 by adding between 4,700 and 7,600 audience to each surveyed session. The station had its highest reach since 2014 and is up 13,600 on 2023.

triple j saw its highest reach since 2014 and is up 7,800 on 2023 to be the number 3 station for 18–39-year-olds in the market.


Get ready to amplify your audio knowledge! Commercial Radio & Audio (CRA) is excited to announce The Audio Edge, an event dedicated to exploring the effectiveness of audio in today’s media landscape, happening at The Edge in Melbourne’s Fed Square on Thursday, 18 July.

“We are thrilled to host The Audio Edge, an essential event for media agencies and advertisers who want to optimise their campaigns and learn more about the impact of audio,” said Jo Dick, chief commercial officer of CRA.

“Radio advertising is inherently creative, delivering cost-effective results and driving consumer engagement like no other medium. When combined with podcasting and radio streaming, the opportunities for advertisers are endless,” Ms Dick added.

The event, hosted by Nova’s Jase & Lauren, will feature insights into the latest trends and strategies in audio, all while celebrating the dynamic and evolving audio market. Attendees can look forward to hearing from a stellar lineup of industry leaders, including:

  • Russel Howcroft, Breakfast Co-Host at 3AW
  • Fifi Box, Breakfast Co-Host at 101.9 The Fox
  • Christian O’Connell, Breakfast Host at Gold 104.3
  • Joel Creasey, Drive Co-Host at Nova
  • Jacqui Felgate, Drive Host at 3AW
  • Paul Sinkinson, Managing Director at Analytic Partners
  • Rob Brittain, Marketing Consultant
  • Denise McCormack, Head of Digital/Data & Tech at Hatched Media
  • Nicole Bence, Chief Commercial Officer at Nova
  • Kim Loasby, Head of LiSTNR Ad Product and Operations at SCA
  • Corey Layton, Head of Digital Audio / iHeart Australia at ARN
  • Ben Campbell, Digital Commercial Director at Nine
  • Nikki Clarkson, Chief Marketing Officer at SCA
  • Jo Dick, Chief Commercial Officer at Commercial Radio & Audio

These esteemed speakers will share their knowledge across four dynamic sessions: The Audio Edge – Director’s Cut, Sonic Boom – Digital Audio’s Exponential Growth, Radio – The Ultimate Sidekick, and Giving Brands the Audio Edge. The sessions will explore audio’s role in the marketing funnel, radio’s ROI, and how audio can build relationships and foster brand loyalty.

Attendees can also look forward to an exclusive preview of upcoming audio insights. Audio Edge will run from 9am until 11am. Don’t miss out, spots are filling fast! Register your interest at Audio Edge Melbourne

POSITION: Journalist, 2MCE/National Radio News, Bathurst NSW

  • Reach a national audience of over 1.5 million listeners per week
  • Work from the beautiful Central West city of Bathurst and enjoy a short commute and affordable housing
  • Contribute to an independent and valued national news service

The role

  • 2 positions available, Fixed term (until December 2024)
  • Bathurst
  • 1x Journalist – Full time, 35 h/w
    • Level 4 – $68,892 to $74,785 (plus 17% superannuation)
    • Shift work: 5am to 12pm, 9am to 4pm, or 12pm to 7pm.
  • 1x Journalist – Part time, 14 h/w
    • Level 4 – $27,556 to $29,914 pro rata pa (plus 17% superannuation)
    • Set roster: 5am to 12pm Saturdays and Sundays. Weekend penalties apply.

You will be responsible for producing stories and bulletins for National Radio News. You will produce stories that reflect the principles of community broadcasting, showcasing diverse voices and perspectives and providing insights that aren’t generally reflected in other news outlets.

About you

  • An associate diploma level qualification in journalism or a related discipline with relevant work-related experience or equivalent level of knowledge gained through any other combination of education, training and/or experience.
  • Knowledge of the community broadcasting sector audience
  • High level writing and communication skills for a target audience
  • Experience in presenting and producing radio news and/or current affairs


Visit our website to learn more about our great range of employee benefits.

About us

National Radio News (NRN) is the national news service for the community broadcasting sector, produced by Charles Sturt University in partnership with the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) for over 25 years. It reaches over 1.5 million listeners a week. NRN is a learning and teaching resource for the Bachelor of Communication in the School of Information and Communication studies. Cadet journalists are drawn from the course and students contribute to the service through their class work.

National Radio News provides timely, relevant news from across the country and across the world, with a dedication to being a counterpoint to the commercial news services. Built on the community broadcasting sector’s principles of democracy, independence and access, NRN has no commercial ties or political agenda, and covers stories often overlooked by commercial services.

We are a university of the land and people of our regions. True to the character of regional Australia we have gumption, we have soul and we collaborate with others. We develop holistic, far-sighted people who help their communities grow and flourish.

The Wiradjuri phrase yindyamarra winhanganha means the wisdom of respectfully knowing how to live well in a world worth living in. This phrase represents who we are at Charles Sturt University – our ethos. It comes from traditional Indigenous Australian knowledge, but it also speaks to the mission of universities – to develop and spread wisdom to make the world a better place.

Harnessing technology, we thrive as a distributed yet connected community, welcoming and engaging with people across Australia and the world.

Charles Sturt University is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusion. This is demonstrated through our Athena SWAN Bronze Institutional Award and our participation as a member in the Australian Workplace Equality Index. Applications are encouraged from Indigenous Australians; people with a disability; women (particularly for senior and non-traditional roles); people who identify as LGBTIQA+; and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

To apply

Click the Apply button on this page and complete your application online, address the selection criteria in the position description and upload your CV. Applicants are required to submit a recent air check with their application. This should be in .mp3 format and no longer than 2 minutes in length.

If you experience difficulties applying online or for further information on completing the application process please visit our how to apply page or contact us.

This position is open to Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents; or applicants who hold a current valid work visa commensurate with this position.

Further information

Additional information is available in the position description or by contacting:

Rebecca Wotzko | Community Radio and NRN Manager | | Ph:  02 6338 4774

Closing Date: 11pm, 30 June 2024

SBS News named Australia’s most trusted news brand

University of Canberra’s preeminent annual report on trust in the news ecosystem sees SBS move to number one for all public and commercial media.

National broadcaster SBS has been named the most trusted news brand in Australia by the University of Canberra and Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism’s annual global Digital News Report 2024.

Each year the report delivers comparative data on media usage in 47 countries including Australia. The University of Canberra conducts the Australian research for the global report, examining Australians’ attitudes to news and journalism and in recent years has charted the declining trust and growing misinformation within the news and social media ecosystems.

Commenting on the report’s findings SBS News Director Mandi Wicks said: “As SBS prepares to move into our 50th year, this report is a strong validation of the work our teams do across all news platforms to provide accurate, impartial and trustworthy news and information to all Australians.

“With more people consuming their news through social media platforms, the presence of trusted brands in that space is more crucial than ever.”

Screenshot from the University of Canberra report looking at trust in news brands in 2024.

In addition to SBS World News’ nightly TV bulletins and comprehensive digital offerings, SBS Audio also serves millions of diverse Australians through multilingual audio services across radio and digital/podcasting in more than 60 languages.

Acting Director of SBS Audio Pamela Cook added: “We work hard each day to preserve the trust our audiences have in us. Our producers serve communities in more than 60 languages, and that is enabled because of the deep connections and trust we’ve built and nurtured which often means we tell the stories that others don’t or can’t.”

The Digital News Report also noted the growing concern about misinformation in Australia, which rose to 75% from 64% in 2022 and that audiences are reporting greater difficulty in identifying untrustworthy information.

Writing in the report, Wicks commented on the importance of trust especially in a climate where the use of artificial intelligence is being increasingly used in news.

“Trust in news has been declining during the past few years, news avoidance has been increasing, and misinformation and disinformation pervade our social feeds and threaten to undermine our democratic way of life,” wrote Wicks.

“The role is increasingly falling to news publishers to report on the news of the day, to combat ‘fake news’ and to moderate hate speech on their social media profiles, comments which are often AI generated via bots.

“Newsrooms grappled with this during the Voice Referendum in 2023 and there will be similar challenges in 2024 with AI having the potential to influence domestic and geopolitical issues, with more than 60 countries and nearly half the world’s population going to the polls in 2024.”

For a pdf copy of this release, click here.

ACMA lays out draft plan for future of Australian airwaves

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) today laid out its draft plan for the management of Australia’s spectrum – the wireless communications frequencies that carry mobile data, satellite transmissions and broadcast signals.

The draft Five-year spectrum outlook 2024–29 (FYSO) canvasses a range of potential use cases, including increasing the spectrum available for 5G wireless broadband as well as new satellite technologies, both supporting greater network coverage and connectivity.

ACMA authority member and spectrum lead Adam Suckling said the ACMA was now calling on stakeholders to give their thoughts on the draft plan to help shape the future of Australia’s digital communications over the next five years.

“Spectrum management isn’t discussed a lot in Australia but it plays an enormous role in our everyday lives,” Mr Suckling said.

“Without knowing it, each and every day Australians use spectrum for everything from watching TV to using their mobiles and accessing the internet. Spectrum also supports the most critical infrastructure that drives business and our national economy, so it’s incredibly important we consult as widely as possible on its future use.”

The draft FYSO also looks at potential future use of the upper 6 GHz frequency band.

“Internationally, the upper 6 GHz band is growing in importance for both 5G as well as the next generation of  technology, with strong and divergent views on the best use of the band. Accordingly, we are moving to the preliminary planning stage in order to come to a decision on the future use of this band.

“We are also now implementing our approach to the 1.9GHz band so that various uses of the band can coexist. For example, that will mean rail services and major entertainment events can have access to this band at the same time. Performers at large concerts can use wireless microphones without the risk of interfering with the next generation of railway communications used by the trains bringing fans to the venue.

“The ACMA will also complete its program of allocations of important 3.4-4.0 GHz spectrum, which have been designed to accommodate a range of users and use cases. Applications for area-wide licences in the 3.8 GHz band of this spectrum will open shortly.

“Spectrum licences in this band allow organisations to build their own private communications networks to support their business needs,” Mr Suckling said.

“We have already seen an uptake of private networks by the construction and mining sectors and are starting to see other sectors showing an interest as well, such as agriculture, transport and utilities businesses.

“We anticipate this trend will continue, with increasing demand for private networks using 5G technology.”

The ACMA has published the draft FYSO on its website with consultation submissions closing COB 22 April 2024.

Competition, coverage and connectivity key to future use of Australian airwaves

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has released a public discussion paper inviting stakeholders to contribute to the future use of Australia’s spectrum – the radio frequencies that facilitate telecommunications over public airwaves, including for mobile phone and internet services.

Many of the current 20-year spectrum licences issued to Australia’s major telcos are set to expire between 2028 and 2032. This spectrum is mainly used to provide mobile telecommunications services across Australia and is highly valued by incumbents.

This is the first time the ACMA has been responsible for considering the future of these licences that, under law, may be renewed, partially renewed or refused to be renewed.

With the potential release of this spectrum to other users, the expiry of these licences is one of the most critically important issues facing the telecommunications sector over the coming decade.

To inform its future decisions, the ACMA’s paper seeks information from incumbents on their current and future use of this spectrum and from potential new users on alternative uses. In addition, we are seeking views on the use of licence conditions that may improve efficiency and coverage to the benefit of all Australians.

ACMA authority member and spectrum lead Adam Suckling said radio waves are a finite public resource that the ACMA manages with the aim of delivering the most effective social, technological and economic outcomes.

“Given the critical importance of spectrum usage to industry, the economy and the public, we are starting the process now – well in advance of the expiry dates,” Mr Suckling said.

“We are talking about very high value spectrum, ideal for facilitating 5G mobile internet and even 6G as we look ahead over the next decade and beyond.

“We are seeing new technologies and innovations on the horizon, such as network sharing models and satellite applications, that could boost competition nationally as well as improve network coverage in regional areas.

“We recognise that this is not a ‘greenfields’ exercise with the use of some frequency bands for a particular service, such as wireless broadband, not in contention. However, with around three-quarters of long-term spectrum licences expiring, it is timely to consider whether there is potential to enhance competition and provide more choice for consumers.

“These licences will significantly shape the future of Australia’s telecommunications landscape, so it’s important we include as many views in the decision-making process as we can.

“As the ACMA works through this process, we will be guided by the public interest objectives of the Radiocommunications Act and ministerial policy statements. We will look at things such as whether the use of spectrum is efficient, promotes investment, coverage, innovation and enhances competition,” Mr Suckling said.

The ACMA will release its preliminary views on long-term options for the relevant spectrum in late 2024.


Graduate Diploma of Radio and Podcasting students from the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) are live on air until Saturday June 22nd with regional pop-up broadcast: 2NRS. With a focus on the Illawarra, the students are going to air with the latest news, local stories and community events from across the region. 

This is AFTRS’ second live broadcast of the year – after Show Radio in April – and the students are again stepping up on all fronts, running the broadcast as well as podcasts, social media and branding with 2NRS – Hits Different. 

Industry professionals from across the country are lending their support and expertise as aircheckers and mentors, including Blair Woodcock, Jase Allen, Barry Keohane, Moyra Major, Olivia Scott, Melissa Femia, Rohan Edwards, Dani Torresan and Ryan Pemberton.  

Blair Woodcock, Head of Regional Content, SCA said,

“The AFTRS Radio program, particularly the 2NRS assignment provides an immersive experience where the students use their learned skills and gain a deeper understanding of life in a real regional radio environment, both on-air, and behind the scenes. I’m thrilled to be a part of the journey, helping shape, nurture and develop the next generation of Radio professionals’ industry who will continue to make this industry great.” 

Graduate Diploma of Radio and Podcasting student Grace Cooper said,

“I’ve been doing breakfast news this week and have really enjoyed it. I have already learned so much and have had the opportunity to work closely with industry professionals who provide valuable feedback on our work. It’s been an amazing experience so far, and I am looking forward to the rest of the broadcast. Even though I’ve had to get up at 5:30am, I genuinely get excited to do breakfast news!” 

Natalie Pozdeev, Graduate Diploma of Radio and Podcasting convenor said,

Regional radio is such an important part of Australian media, and we’re thrilled to give students hands-on learning through our live broadcasts. 2NRS allows students to build skills in all aspects of audio production, content creation, news headlines and live-to-air announcing, so they’re ready with the skills that industry needs today and into the future.” 

Stream 2NRS live 8am-9pm from June 11th– 22nd via iHeartRadio.  

Follow 2NRS on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.

Learn more about the Graduate Diploma of Radio and Podcasting at the upcoming Post Graduate Info Nights July 2 (in person) and 3 (online) register here.

Nine Radio live streaming snapshot May 2024

Driven by surging listenership in key shifts as well as Nine Radio’s ratings-leading sport coverage, year-on-year data shows national growth of 8%.

Sydney’s 2GB has shown incredible double-digit growth, with a 15% increase in total digital streaming listening hours (YoY), and uplift across Breakfast, Mornings, Afternoons and Drive, as well as Wide World of Sports and the Continuous Call Team rugby league coverage.

Melbourne’s 3AW has also posted a remarkable 7% increase in total listener hours (YoY)including an unassailable 46% commercial Breakfast share, and uplift across key shifts and Friday AFL.

Sport fans are also flocking to Brisbane’s 4BC, which has posted a 10% uptick (YoY) in Friday night rugby league coverage by the Continuous Call Team, and Perth’s 6PR has seen similar gains in Breakfast and Sunday AFL. 

11.03M 11.6M(up 8% YoY)

Nine Radio Head of Content, Greg Byrnes, said: “Our live audio streaming audience is surging, and as the official Olympic and Paralympic broadcaster, you can already hear the excitement building across our stations.”

“Audio delivers unmatched engagement for those iconic sporting moments and listening to us via streaming means all Australians will be able to enjoy every moment of the colour and excitement live from Paris across 2GB, 3AW, 4BC and 6PR. With a purpose built Olympic Studio and our team of commentators, reporters and hosts on the ground in Paris, we can’t wait for the games to begin!”

Nine’s Director of Sales, Total Audio, Ashley Earnshaw, said: “The scale of our digital stream listening reflects the improved listener experience through our apps and the role our content plays in the community.”

“Our audio superfans are increasingly seeking out our content on connected devices and smart speakers. Critically, for advertisers we have been able to extend our digital audio data product suite with more relevant and engaging targeting solutions, improving ROI and overall ad effectiveness.”

Source: Triton Webcast Metrics Streaming, May 1-31 2024, TLH – Total Listening Hours, Nine Radio, Unless otherwise specified

CBAA WEBINAR: Hit The Right Note: Music Programming For Your Station

What does music mean to your station? Music programing can have a great effect for your station, from bringing your community together to new streams of sponsorship revenue. In this webinar, we’ll look at how to approach music programming for your station, seek legal sources of music and set a solid foundation for future success.

Date: 3-4PM AEST, Tuesday 18 June 2024
Presented by: Andrew Khedoori
Andrew is he manager of the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia’s (CBAA) AMRAP initiative where he oversees distribution of new Australian music to community radio stations nationwide along with Australian music radio programs and initiatives. Amrap has also produced various collaborative projects, including First Sounds with First Nations Media Australia, a series providing resources and pathways to airplay for First Nations music artists; On The Road Again with Creative Victoria – a series of live music events curated by community radio around Victoria – and Global Beat: Australia, a radio series showcasing diverse and contemporary Australian music on influential LA radio station KCRW, co-presented by Andrew. Andrew was previously Music Director at 2SER-FM in Sydney where he co-created and oversaw an eclectic music programming schedule, nurtured new shows and designed live music events and series.


Radio Audience Measurement (Reports Archive)

Metro – SURVEY Summary Reports

Markets S2 2023 S3 2023 S4 2023 S5 2023 S6 2023 S7 2023 S8 2023 S1 2024 S2 2024
Sydney S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S1 S2
Melbourne S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S1 S2
Brisbane S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S1 S2
Adelaide S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S1 S2
Perth S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S1 S2

Regional – SURVEY Summary Reports

Markets S2 2021 S3 2021 S1 2022 S2 2022 S3 2022 S1 2023 S2 2023 S3 2023
Canberra S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3
Gold Coast S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3
Newcastle S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3