2024 CBAA Board Nominations Open

The CBAA is calling for nominations for people interested in serving as a Director of the Board. 

2024 CBAA Board Nominations Open 

The CBAA is calling for nominations for people interested in serving as a Director of the Board.

Nominations close at 5.00pm AEST on Friday, 20 September 2024.

There are four (4) Member Elected Director positions up for election this year.


To be eligible, you must be a person nominated by two (2) Permanent Community Broadcasting Members or Temporary Community Broadcasting Members of the CBAA.

Nominees are expected to have a commitment to the ideals of community broadcasting, a solid knowledge of and interest in the development of community broadcasting as a national sector and commit to representing the interests of the whole sector – not just their station or a special interest group.

How to nominate 

Nominees for all positions must contact Liz Freestone to obtain the nomination form (Nomination for the CBAA Board) and return the completed form via email no later than 5.00 pm AEST on Friday, 20 September 2024.

The 2024 CBAA Annual General Meeting will be held at 4:00pm AEST (5:00pm AEDT) on the Gold Coast, Queensland on Friday, 18 October 2024.

Nominations close 28 days before the AGM and nomination forms must be completed correctly, containing a written profile (in third person) of no more than 150 words and attach a headshot photograph.

The profile and photograph will be included in the election documentation that will be distributed by the 27 September 2024. Nominees will also have an opportunity to record a brief introductory video.

Nominations will be checked to ensure they are valid nominations from eligible voting members.

More information 

Further information is available to download below. Any questions on CBAA Board Membership can be directed to EA to the CEO, Liz Freestone on 02 9318 9602 or via email.

PDF icon Information for Nominees for Election to the CBAA Board-2024.pdf

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