Nominations for 2024 APRA & AMCOS Board elections now open

The 2024 APRA and AMCOS Annual General Meetings (AGMs) will be held on Tuesday 19 November. Voting for the election of directors to the APRA Board and AMCOS Board is conducted before the AGMs.

In accordance with the APRA and AMCOS Constitutions, nominations for director positions on the APRA Board and AMCOS Board must be received by the Company Secretary by close of business on Friday 20 September.

APRA Writers in Australia and New Zealand

If you’re an APRA writer in Australia or New Zealand, you could be eligible to nominate for a position on the APRA Board.

This year there are vacancies on the APRA Board for two writer directors to be elected by the Australian writer membership. This year there are no New Zealand writer directors up for re-election.

Australian Writer Directors Amanda Brown and Burkhard Dallwitz have both been in office for three successive annual terms since their last election and must retire, but are eligible to offer themselves for re-election if they so choose.

APRA Publishers

If you’re an APRA publisher, you could be eligible to nominate for a position on the APRA Board.

This year there are vacancies on the APRA Board for three publisher directors to be elected by the APRA publisher membership. Publisher Directors Linda Bosidis (Mushroom Music Publishing) and Simon Moor (Kobalt Music Group APAC) have both been in office for three successive annual terms since their last election and must retire.

In addition, because he is currently filling a Publisher Director casual vacancy on the APRA Board, the Constitution requires that Heath Johns (BMG Australia) must also retire from the Board this year.

Linda Bosidis, Heath Johns and Simon Moor are all eligible to offer themselves for re-election if they so choose.

AMCOS Members

If you’re an AMCOS member you could be eligible to nominate for a position on the AMCOS Board.

This year there are vacancies on the AMCOS Board for five directors to be elected by the AMCOS membership. Directors Linda Bosidis (Mushroom Music Publishing), Jane English (Wise Music Pty Ltd Australia, Aotearoa and Asia Pacific), Jaime Gough (Concord Music Publishing ANZ), and Peter Hebbes AM (Hebbes Music Group Pty Ltd) have been in office for three successive annual terms since their last election and must retire.

In addition, because he is currently filling a casual vacancy on the AMCOS Board, the Constitution requires that Craig Monagle (Warner Chappell Music Australia) must also retire from the Board this year.

Linda Bosidis, Jane English, Jaime Gough, Peter Hebbes and Craig Monagle are all eligible to offer themselves for re-election if they so choose.

The role of APRA and AMCOS board members

  • Provide insights and a longer-term strategic perspective to the Board, CEO and executive to help guide the organisation
  • Support the provision of membership, licensing and distribution services and advocacy on behalf of our broadly diverse APRA writer members
  • Shape messaging and communications with key stakeholders
  • Connect the organisation into important networks
  • Represent the organisation, uphold its brand reputation and values and promote its interests nationally and internationally
  • Oversee management implementation, objectives and performance
  • Provide non-executive leadership and set the strategic objectives of APRA AMCOS
  • Clearly articulate a risk appetite within which the Board expects management to operate
  • Build knowledge of the sector APRA AMCOS operates in, including with its partners and competitors
  • Actively contribute to scheduled Board meetings and other events
  • Approve operating budgets and major capital expenditure
  • Stay abreast of issues relating to the sector APRA AMCOS operates in.

More information

To discuss your eligibility to nominate for a position on the APRA or AMCOS Board, contact APRA and AMCOS’ Company Secretary Jonathan Carter by email at

A formal AGM notification, including Board election nominee details and instructions on how to vote will be sent to all eligible voting members at least 30 days before the AGMs.

View the APRA and AMCOS Constitutions and governance statements

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