ACMA Calls for Submissions In Regard to High Power Open Narrowcasting Licences

The Radiocommunications (Allocation of Transmitter Licences – High Power Open Narrowcasting Licences) Determination 2014 is due to sunset on 1 October 2024. This instrument sets out a system for the price-based allocation of high power open narrowcasting (HPON) licences.

HPON services are usually operated for profit, and the allocation may attract a number of interested parties. For these reasons, ACMA allocate most LAP-planned HPON licences via price-based allocations.

ACMA’s view is that the determination is operating effectively and efficiently.

They plan to remake the instrument before the sunset date, with minor changes to:

  • Remove the requirement for them to maintain a register of section 34 determinations.
  • Provide more flexibility about the type of auction and the medium of bidding.
  • Make minor formatting and drafting changes, and group certain provisions together.

You can access details of their proposal in the consultation paper in the key documents box below. A copy of the draft Radiocommunications (Allocation of Transmitter Licences – High Power Open Narrowcasting Licences) Determination 2024 is also available.

Have your say

ACMA invites your feedback about the proposals outlined in this consultation.

They welcome submissions by 5 pm (AEST) on Friday 26 July 2024.


Consultation paper: Proposal to remake the HPON allocation determination (115.75 KB)


Draft Radiocommunications (Allocation of Transmitter Licences – High Power Open Narrowcasting Licences) Determination 2024 (125.86 KB)

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