NOVA Entertainment secures Esther Carlsen as new Digital Commercial Director

NOVA Entertainment today announced the appointment of one of the industry’s most respected digital and ad tech execs, Esther Carlsen, to the role of Digital Commercial Director.

With over two decades of experience, Carlsen is uniquely positioned to drive continued momentum for NOVA Entertainment’s live and on-demand digital audio offering, ensuring advertisers can access a market-leading standard of digital product, service and capability.

Carlsen is the second significant digital ad executive appointment to senior commercial leadership positions in recent times, after Nicole Bence joined the business last year in the role of Chief Commercial Officer.

Says Bence of Carlsen’s appointment, “Audio is the fastest growing digital media in Australia and there are few executives better placed than Esther to capitalize on that opportunity. I’m confident she’ll play a critical role in continuing to drive the transformation and adoption necessary for us to not just keep pace but lead the market.”

Carlsen said, “I’m excited to be joining the NOVA team at such a pivotal point in their transformation, to become an all of audio business. After learning of the company’s vision, I believe my experience across both the buy and sell side will enable me to help clients unlock the full value of the growing audiences across the network.

“As the media landscape becomes more complex, I believe NOVA have a compelling offering that will help clients and agencies optimise their spend and maximise their reach and impact.”

Carlsen began her career as a sales leader across Yahoo7! and ninemsn, before leading Group M’s programmatic business unit, Xaxis in the role of MD. Carlsen went on to lead the local operation for consumer data business, Axciom, before leading the digital performance agency, Bench.

More recently, Carlsen worked as Commercial Director for Nine Digital Audio, and has built extensive knowledge across the digital audio data and product stack.

Continues Bence, “There is still a considerable gap between the share of audience audio currently represents, and the share of investment advertisers are committing to it. Esther’s appointment is critical to helping us close that gap, to the direct benefit of our clients and partners who we believe will become advocates for the positive campaign performance that audio – and specifically NOVA Entertainment – can deliver them.”

Carlsen starts today at NOVA Entertainment, based in Sydney and Warrane offices.

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