Community Broadcasting’s submission to the inquiry into the Australian live music industry

CBAA’s submission to the inquiry into Australia’s live music industry, that spotlights the vital role that community broadcasters play in nurturing emerging talent, helping artists build their audience and income, promoting events and festivals, developing local live music capacity and innovating to bring more live music to their communities.

May 2024

Read more about the incredible work our sector does for live music PDF icon here or on our submissions page.

Australia’s network of community radio stations is the critical infrastructure to reach geographically and socially diverse audiences with local music and the promotion of local gigs, festivals and events.
Our submission emphasises that a sustainable community radio sector is integral to grow the live music industry.
Community radio stations:
  • Have a close and co-operative relationship with local artists, live music venues, concert promoters and organisers.
  • Manage programs, events and initiatives that are vital for artist development and career pathways.
  • Support artist income with music licensing fees and event bookings and promotions.
  • Host events and undertake activities that support skills development in music production, sound engineering, AV, promotions and event management that build local capacity in event and festival production

For the first time we have accompanied our written submission with a video submission. The video submission shares just a fraction of the incredible work community broadcasters do to connect their communities through live music. The video captures some of the brilliant examples of the mutually supportive relationship between live and local music and community radio.


Budget status quo falls short of securing sustainability for Community Broadcasting

Last night’s Federal Budget has been disappointing for community broadcasters.

The Budget for community broadcasters has been maintained – in line with the status quo – but it has failed to deliver the sustainable funding base required for community broadcasting to meet current demands and address the growing needs of our communities.

The Federal Budget sees funding for the Community Broadcasting Program increase nominally, in line with inflation to $22.5 million in 2024-25.


Our Advocacy for Sustainable Funding 

Just over 6 months ago, community broadcasters launched Roadmap 2033: Community Broadcasting’s plan for greater impact in every Australian Community over the next decade – the product of a year’s worth of consultation and co-design with100s of representatives of stations and sector organisations.

Roadmap 2033 has been welcomed by the Federal Government because of the positive impact community broadcasting promised to deliver to address community challenges.

The plan offers to:

  • give more Australians access to trusted, independent, local news and information from diverse sources
  • play a unique, hyperlocal role communicating emergency information and provide more support to build community resilience in times of disaster
  • support self-determination of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and close the gap in social and economic outcomes
  • elevate Australian music, arts and cultural industries
  • strengthen social and economic inclusion and cohesion
  • support settlement of new migrant groups and strengthen multiculturalism
  • provide more skilled career pathways into the media and communications industry for all communities

CBAA has met with 60 MPs and Senators about the Roadmap and there is strong support across the Parliament for the Community Broadcasting sector’s plan.

Unfortunately, that support has not translated to action in the 24-25 Budget.


Increased funding is critical to our future impact  

Increased, long-term and secure funding from the Australian Government is urgently required to support community broadcasting to deliver these positive impacts for our communities.

CBAA understands that many stations are struggling financially to maintain their services. Every year CBF Funding Rounds are heavily oversubscribed with an average of $9.5 million in grant applications unable to be met each year. Until funding is substantially increased CBF grants will remain highly competitive, and many stations will be unable to secure grants for programs, community engagement and critical investments in station operations.


Continuing the conversation 

The task is now for CBAA, sector organisation and community broadcasters to continue the conversation with the Government, and local MPs about the funding needs of our sector and the positive impact we can deliver for our communities.

CBAA remains confident of meaningful progress in the future.

The Government’s Revive cultural policy commits the Government to action ‘Increase support for community broadcasting to deliver local news, tell local stories and provide a platform for diverse voices and Australian music’.

The Government came to office in 2022 with a commitment to review the sustainability of community broadcasting including consideration of the adequacy of Federal Government funding for the Community Broadcasting Program and Indigenous Media and Broadcasting Program. Over 18 months have passed since the review commenced.

The CBAA encourages the Government to urgently conclude its review process (commenced November 2022) and deliver on its commitment under Revive (launched January 2023) to increase support for community broadcasting.


Community Broadcasting Program Budget ($ ,000) 

2023-24 (Estimated Actual)


2024-25 (Budget)


2025-26 Forward Estimate


2026-27 Forward Estimate


2027-28 Forward Estimate


POSITION: Finance & Office Administrator, Alexandria NSW

Finance & Office Administrator 

  • Friendly, fast paced environment
  • Key support role based in Alexandria NSW
  • Two to three days per week (flexible)


The organisation 

The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) is a leading member based, for purpose organisation. We provide programs and services that strengthen over 400 community radio and independent media organisations.

With over five million listeners each week, community radio plays a vital role in providing a voice for multicultural, First Nations and other underrepresented groups, as well as supporting independent and emerging musicians, and communities not adequately serviced by other media services.

Our office is conveniently located five minutes’ walk from Redfern Station.


The role 

Reporting to the Head of Finance, you’ll actively support our Finance Team and provide administrative services across CBAA.  This will provide an opportunity to use a variety of business systems and processes as we make our digital transition. We offer some flexibility around the timing of days worked to fit with exams and assignments.



  • Support our Finance Team in financial workflows and analysis of financial data
  • Provide proactive administrative support to CBAA staff
  • Ensure the smooth operation of our Sydney office


Your success profile will include: 

  • Experience in a similar role or in a customer service role
  • Certificate IV in Business Administration or in 2nd year or above of a business or related degree, or equivalent work experience
  • Proven ability to work effectively in a team environment and to collaborate across departments
  • Demonstrated written and verbal communication skills
  • Excellent numeracy and analytical skills
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft Office 365 tools (Outlook, Word, Excel, SharePoint and Teams)
  • Comfortable using and learning new technologies
  • Eligibility to work in Australia for at least the next 12 months


Application Process 

We are committed to improving outcomes for our communities. We value diversity and inclusion.  We actively seek and welcome applications from people with diverse backgrounds and with lived experience in the communities we  serve (including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with a disability, culturally and linguistically diverse people, the LGBTQIA+ community and people of diverse genders and faiths).

To apply, submit your resume (max three pages) and a cover letter (max two pages) addressing the requirements and reason for application to the Head of Finance, Community Broadcasting Association at  Successful applicants will be contacted for interview.

Please note that there is no formal closing date for this role. Early applications are encouraged, and suitable candidates may be shortlisted for interview as applications are received. For enquiries about this role, please email

For further information about what’s expected in the role and what success would look like, please read the File Success Profile.

Reflecting on The Wire’s Special Budget Night Broadcast

The Federal Budget 2024, on Tuesday 14 May, resulted in a collaboration in the spirit of Roadmap 2033, between The WireNational Radio News, 2SER, Hornsby’s Triple H and the Community Radio Network.

Triple H was presented by Alexi Boyd who had this to say: “I had fun running around the Gallery with my community radio branded microphone asking all the advocates to give two minutes of their time on industry perspectives. I was lucky to interview Bran Black, CEO of Business Council of Australia, Georgie Dent, CEO of The Parenthood, Chris Richardson, Australia’s leading economist and Smart Energy Council’s John Grimes.”

The show was produced by our political reporter, Noah Secomb, who worked to set-up the space to share with the Wire presenter, Rod Chambers, four of his volunteers from 2SER and National Radio News’ Sasha Foot. Sasha had been released from newsroom duties in Bathurst and spent four days reporting alongside Noah, including  delivering a special live bulletin as part of the Budget Special.

The entire team was part of the famed Budget lock-up, where the media is prevented from communicating with anyone outside parliament as Australia’s fiscal future is presented. 2SER volunteers Steven Samaras and Alana Sunavratil joined presenter Rod Chambers and his expert guest and academic, Melissa Edwards, and the rest of the team to comb through the detail of what would be made public shortly after. It was a real team effort as described by Alexi Boyd, “My community broadcasting colleagues shared knowledge, budget analysis tips, and chocolates and made the experience stress free.”

Executive Producer of the Wire, Eduardo Jordan was delighted to see the show try this new format: “The Federal Budget special coverage of The Wire demonstrated that the news network across the (community broadcasting) sector is stronger than ever, with multiple collaborations on each front, giving a space to the issues the community are interested in. By creating partnerships across the sector, we are giving a platform to real voices and amplifying them to reflect the real Australia.”

Listen to the Budget Special here.

Tully Sugar fails to disclose stake in QLD radio

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has accepted a court-enforceable undertaking from Tully Sugar Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chinese agribusiness company COFCO, after the company failed to adequately disclose its stake in Coastal Broadcasters Pty Ltd, which operates three commercial radio stations in regional Queensland.

Foreign stakeholders that hold at least 2.5 per cent ownership in Australian media companies must notify the ACMA the details of their company interests within 30 days after the end of each financial year. Tully Sugar has a 10 per cent stake in Coastal Broadcasters as part of its ongoing commitment to the local community.

“These rules are designed to provide greater transparency of foreign investment in Australian media companies,” ACMA Chair Nerida O’Loughlin said.

“Tully Sugar failed to lodge its foreign ownership notification for 2022-23 within the required timeframe after it had been warned when it failed to do so for 2021-22.”

In January 2023 the ACMA issued Tully Sugar with a formal warning for contravening the notification requirement for 2021-22. As Tully Sugar fell short of the notification requirement for 2022-23, the ACMA commenced formal enforcement action.

The court-enforceable undertaking requires Tully Sugar to undertake an independent audit of its compliance systems and processes and implement the recommendations of the auditor. Tully Sugar will also be required to report to the ACMA on the actions taken.

Information provided in foreign ownership notifications is used by the ACMA to update the Foreign Owners of Media Assets Register and to prepare an annual report to the Minister for Communications.

Martine Paterson of FM97.3 Nominated as Lake Macquarie Citizen of The Year 2019

Martine is a local radio personality who is being recognized for her significant contribution as advocate for our community on radio shows: “Lake Mac Life” & “The Saturday Sports Edition” with feature “Polly Waffle”.

Since Feb 2017 Martine has produced and presented both Lake Mac Life Show as well as The Saturday Sports Edition on a weekly basis with local community radio station Lake Macquarie FM.

Whilst most programs consist of a great line up of music within a theme, Martine fashioned her 2 shows to be interactive within the community,
making her stand out from her colleagues.

Each weekly show runs for 3 hours with at least 3 community groups being interviewed alongside weekly contributors. She then spends many hours weekly scheduling in various community / sporting groups &
individuals to interview on the shows, as well as promote their services/ events.

Martine is also active in attending these groups/ services events, volunteering time to MC as well as hand out awards etc and speak to

Martine demonstrates leadership with a voice, where she is not afraid to discuss sensitive topics and approach difficult issues, always looking for solutions to assist the community. Martine is tireless in attending local events and community groups to lend support and assist in promoting their causes.

As well as being an excellent interviewer, Martine is compassionate and passionate about many causes. Martine was happy to be signed up for raising $5000 in the Big Freeze Newcastle and sliding into ice water to raise much needed money and awareness for MND following interviews with those affected by MND.

This local cause has now raised a quarter of a million dollars and celebrity status. Martine is a strong advocate of homelessness and its associate issues of mental illness and domestic violence. She raised $1000 for Sleep Out for Soul, sleeping rough in a local car park and broadcasting live into the night whilst interviewing participants, and learning more about their stories and plights.

Martine is currently actively raising $5000 for 5 local groups in the area identifying the following recipients thus far: ARAFMI ( Carers of Mental Illness), Southlakes Market Place (community support), Cystic Fibrosis Research at JHH.  The other 2 local groups will be announced very soon.

Polly Waffle is the first local show on local community radio providing a platform for all politicians and community leaders to engage with the community. In this, Martine has been able to bring issues in the community to the forefront of residents and promote action. Further, this is also an opportunity to for politicians and community leaders to communicate to the community is a safe forum to listeners who would otherwise may not be
interested. It also provides a humanistic side to community leaders by involving their music favourites.

Martine has been approached to interview high profile Australians such as Rosie Batty, domestic violence advocate and Australian of the Year; Manuel Whitford CEO of Friends with Dignity and Australian Charity of the
Year, to discuss issues in our community such as homelessness, domestic violence and promote local services, encouraging the community to be educated and come together to assist.

Further, Martine has raised the profile of the only community radio station in Lake Macquarie by bringing in a range of sponsors (local businesses) as well as increased listenership given the nature of her Shows and
community presence. The local tune-in population could be as large as half a million- with many more streaming the shows across the world as well as accessing the interviews on You Tube.

Martine has also promoted local artists whether they be musicians, performers, bands, actors, writers/ authors, poets, as well as building engagement in these arts and attendance at events. She invites them in to showcase their talent, assisting them increase confidence and staging.

Also, Martine has promoted local sporting talents, young and old such as golfers, futsal players, roller darby skaters, rugby league payers, cricketers, encouraging involvement in sport and community. Martine has also
involved local schools and school children in promoting achievements as well as fundraisers…

Further to these 2 weekly radio shows, Martine promotes the community again through Social Media bring groups to a larger community that would otherwise not be aware of their presence. This has not only promoted
many groups but also enabled those requiring their services connect with them.

Martine is a strong advocate of volunteering and promotes these opportunities as a way of refreshing skills, learning new skills so as to progress into paid employment. Martine promotes new start ups in the area, liaising with local services supporting local business.

Through FM97.3, Martine allows sponsorship of her shows, events as well as segments to promote local businesses at affordable rates. Martine encourages parochialism and using local business and services to
strengthen our district.

When not interviewing on her 2 shows, Martine continues to work in the local community as a Vocational Psychologist. Martine has worked in this area for over 20 years, assisting those injured or following sickness/
disability transition back into the workforce. Martine specialises in the military with returned service men and women and is inspired by their amazing stories. She enjoys working with those who has been injured regain their lives, particularly in a return to meaningful work.

Martine and her husband have 5 children ranging from 3 years old to 18 years old and are dedicated to ensuring this region is the best possible for their kiddies to grow up in. Martine loves the beach with her kiddies, gardening, cooking and watching her kiddies enjoy our amazing area.