Grants, Offers and Discounts – A New CBAA Resource

Many community broadcasters rely on grants to fund their operations, and it can be hard to keep track of the available options. There are also a range of discounts and offers for not-for-profits available to broadcasters for useful products and services which could enhance their capability and reduce operating costs. That’s why we’ve launched our Grants, Offers and Discounts webpage, which features resources relevant to community radio stations.
We regularly review and update these listings based on information supplied by the organisations listed. Unless otherwise stated we are not the providers of these resources and can’t guarantee that you will be able to access them. Make sure to review funder and supplier information thoroughly before applying.
If your station has been impacted in an emergency, for example a natural disaster, or has a time-limited opportunity and needs funding urgently we recommend reaching out to the Community Broadcasting Foundation and inquiring about their Quick Response Grants.
We hope that this resource empowers our members and helps them to become more sustainable. If you have any feedback on the page or the listings please contact us.


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