Deutsche Welle Internship – June/July 2025

Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany’s international broadcaster, is offering a six-month paid internship including return airfare in Bonn, Germany. This is a unique opportunity for applicants to gain on-the-job training in DW’s multimedia newsroom, with the possibility of extension or freelance work.

Interns will commence their internships at the Deutsche Welle Headquarters in Bonn in June/July 2025. If everything works well for both sides DW may organize experiences at different DW departments in Bonn or Berlin. During the six-month internship, interns will work in DW’s English language online newsroom and undertake a range of tasks, including producing multimedia content, writing news articles, adapting German language reports and editing English language news articles. Interns will receive a monthly payment of 2140 Euros allowing a student lifestyle.

Interns will also learn to work in a large international media organisation, gain exposure to international stories and receive references from a highly respected international broadcaster.

To be eligible for this internship, applicants must have a native level of English, good German language skills, a university degree, a commitment to community broadcasting, and work experience in print/online news writing, audio and video production.

Applications can be sent to and should include copies of your CV, university degrees, references, and work samples. For more information you can call Esther in the DW office: 02-96659202. Applications have to be received by midnight 15 February 2025.

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