CBAA’s Submission to the Australian Government’s Community Broadcasting Sustainability Review

Consultation on the Australian Government’s Community Broadcasting Sustainability Review closed last week. Thanks to all of the community broadcasters that attended consultations sessions, made a submission or opened up their stations to the Department officials throughout the consultations. The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (DITRDCA) will now review all verbal and written submissions with the aim of publishing a review document with recommended actions and outcomes. CBAA will continue to work with the Department throughout this process. We hope to achieve a positive outcome for Broadcasters this year.

Our submission builds on the vision of the Roadmap 2033 and the views expressed to us by stations throughout the process. As a priority, the CBAA is seeking an immediate and substantially increased funding allocation for community broadcasters to deliver Roadmap 2033: Community Broadcasting’s plan for greater impact in every Australian Community (Roadmap 2033). We are asking for more funding for station operations, workforce development, specialist content and projects to achieve community outcomes.

Our submission also covers the structure and funding of the Community Broadcasting Program (CBP) and Indigenous Broadcasting and Media Program (IMBP) as well as legislation, regulation, and the activity of the regulator (the ACMA). We are urging the Government to work with the sector on legislative and regulatory reforms which will create a clearer and more consistent framework for broadcasters to reduce administration, increase business certainty, enable operational flexibility and efficiency, expand services and increase opportunities to develop alternative sources of income.

Please contact CBAA Head of Advocacy and Communications Reece Kinnane ( regarding any issues you’d like to discuss or any help your station can provide to strengthen our advocacy on behalf of the sector.

ABC gains 450,000 podcast listeners in August

The ABC has added an additional 456,000 listeners across our podcast offering last month according to the Triton August Podcast ranker released today.

The additional listeners saw our programs achieve a total of 2.82 million monthly listeners, a new record for the ABC since it joined the ranker and maintaining our number 3 podcast publisher rank.

ABC Head of Audio Ben Latimer said: “This is a fantastic result for our team.

It is always heartening to see audiences turn to the ABC during these moments of national importance, like the Olympics.”

There were 32 ABC titles in the top 200 ranker with ABC News Top Stories maintaining the number 2 position it achieved for the first time in July.

The ABC had 4 titles in the top 20 with ABC News Top Stories joined by Conversations at #8, ABC News Daily at #11 and ABC Sport Daily moving up 8 spots to #13.

Other ABC titles making big moves in August were The World Today which rose 95 ranks to #59, Quick Smart jumped 53 places to #95 and Global Roaming with Geraldine Doogue and Hamish Macdonald which moved up 29 places to #117.

Roy and HG — Bludging on the Blindside continued to benefit from their Olympic coverage moving up 17 places for their highest ever rank of #24.

The full Triton Australian Podcast Ranker can be found here.

Audiences can enjoy all the ABC’s podcasts for free and ad free on ABC listen.

The Australian Podcast Ranker is a regular monthly snapshot of Australia’s most popular podcasts. The Ranker has been reporting podcast listening in Australia since 2019 and includes a wide cross section of Australian podcast publishers, from both radio and non-radio backgrounds.

CRA awards 2024 Brian White Scholarship to Grace Barlow

Grace Barlow, a student at Perth’s University of Notre Dame Australia, has been named the 2024 Brian White Scholarship winner, Commercial Radio & Audio (CRA) announced today. This esteemed award grants Grace a unique opportunity to embark on a four-week paid placement, gaining invaluable experience across the newsrooms of ARN, SCA, NOVA Entertainment, and Nine Radio.

“This year’s competition set a new benchmark with the highest number of applicants in four years. Our finalists represent the future of radio news, and we are thrilled to see such remarkable talent emerging in our industry,” said CRA chief executive officer Lizzie Young.

The scholarship recipient was selected after an intensive workshop at ARN’s offices, where ten finalists were mentored by the industry’s top commercial radio news leaders. Led by Fiona Ellis-Jones (ARN), Michelle Stephenson (NOVA Entertainment), Erin Maher (2GB, Nine Radio), and Amy Goggins (SCA), each sharing their personal experiences and expertise on succeeding in radio.

“The level of skill and passion in the room is outstanding, it’s exciting to see the next generation eager to contribute to radio’s unique ability to reach audiences in a meaningful way,” said Fiona Ellis-Jones, ARN Head of News and Information.

“From breaking news to the everyday updates that matter, it’s often through radio that people first hear what’s happening in the world,” shared Michelle Stephenson, NOVA National Audio News Editor who has been a judge for the Brian White Scholarship since its inception in 2017.

“In the newsroom, no two days are the same, that variety keeps the work both challenging and exciting,” Amy Goggins, SCA Sydney News Editor, told the finalists.

“There’s no better place for a journalist than radio. It’s immediate, it’s intimate, it’s always evolving – offering endless opportunities for storytelling,” added Erin Maher, 2GB Radio Senior Newsreader and Editor.

The annual scholarship honours the legacy of radio legend Brian White, the first Australian commercial radio cadet journalist. White pioneered the news talk format and had a career spanning three influential decades.

Entries for the 2025 Brian White Scholarship will open early next year. The competition is open to recent graduates or students in their final year of a relevant course such as Communications, Media, Journalism, and Radio. For more details, keep an eye on our socials.

The 2024 Community Broadcasting Awards Finalists

2024 is a big year for the Community Broadcasting Awards, as we’ve revamped our award categories to better capture the unique structure of our sector. We’ve received over 300 entries across more than 20 categories, and would like to thank both the entrants and the judges who reviewed their entries. We’re looking forward to seeing you at the 2024 CBAA conference from 17-19 October on the Gold Coast.

You can find the full list of finalists below. Winners will be announced at the conference Gala Dinner on Satuday, 19 October at the CBAA Conference, along with the recipients of the Community Broadcasting Honour Roll, Michael Law and Tony Staley Awards.


2024 Community Broadcasting Awards Finalists
Best Program: Music (Sponsored by APRA AMCOS)
  • 2NVR Nambucca Valley Radio – Studio 3 Live
  • RTRFM – Difficult Listening
  • 3BBR FM – Continental Drift
  • Koori Radio – Tangata Whenua
  • Fresh 92.7 – Fresh Off The Block – Hosted by MATIAH
Best Program: New (Sponsored by AFTRS)
  • 8CCC – Great Cooks of The Desert
  • Eastside Radio 89.7FM – The Intersection
  • Fresh 92.7 – Fresh Off The Decks – Hosted by MATIAH
  • Vision Australia Radio – Sites, Sounds and Songs on Vision Australia Radio
  • 3CR – Hong Kongology
Best Program: News & Current Affairs (Sponsored by AVC)
  • 3BBR FM – West Gippsland Week
  • 2DRY FM – Water Watch
  • Ngaarda Media – Ngaarda Statewide News WA
  • Vision Australia Radio – Studio 1
  • 3CR – Global Intifada: Operation Inglenook Episode
Best Program: Talks
  • 2MFM – Beyond the ATAR – Youth Series
  • 2DRY FM – Out in the Outback: Hidden Histories Series
  • Fresh 92.7 – Wavelength: Navigating the Israel & Palestine Conflict
  • 3CR – 30 Years Fighting for Forests
  • Vision Australia Radio – Happy Pants
Excellence in Australian Music (Sponsored by APRA AMCOS)
  • 107.3 HFM – Beats Rhymes and Life
  • 3BBR FM – Gippsland Live, 3BBR Concert Hall
  • Koori Radio – Indigenous Hip Hop Show
  • 2SER – 2SER Australian Music Programming & Events
  • Radio 4EB – TUNOGLOKAL QLD Project
Excellence in Community Engagement
  • Sonshine (98.5FM) – Sonshine’s Heart For The Homeless
  • 89.9 TheLight – Connecting with the Community
  • Bay FM 99.9 – Young Legends
  • Vision Australia Radio
  • Fresh 92.7
Excellence in Disability Content & Engagement
  • Phoenix FM
  • RTRFM – Breaking Sound Barriers – Season 2
  • Wangki Yupurnanupurru Radio – Wangki Radio Celebrates Difference
  • Vision Australia Radio
  • 3CR – Disability Day
Excellence in Fundraising & Sponsorship
  • RTRFM – RTRFM’s Fundraising and Sponsorship Team
  • VOX FM – Judy Clare, Billy Harvey Carmel Collins, & Kevin Barron
  • Alive 90.5 FM
  • 89.9 TheLight – PositiveMedia Donor Engagement & Business Development Teams
  • Fresh 92.7
Excellence in Indigenous Content & Engagement (Sponsored by McNair Yellowsquares)
  • RTRFM – Sovereign
  • PBA-FM – Feel Good Nunga Radio
  • Koori Radio – Two Men In Your Head and The Dhinawanyan Healers
  • Ngaarda Media – Federal Court Native Title Hearing: YIindjibarndi and FMG
  • PAW & 8CCC – The Heat
Excellence in Multicultural Content & Engagement (Sponsored by McNair Yellowsquares)
  • 2MFM
  • PBA-FM – Siempre Lunes
  • Alive 90.5FM – Alive with Cultural Diversity
  • 88.9 WynFM
  • Radio 4EB – TUNOGLOKAL QLD Project
Excellence in Production
  • 3ZZZ
  • 96five – The Rad-Vent Calendar
  • Casey Radio 97.7FM – Storytellers @ The Station
  • Vision Australia Radio
  • Bay FM 99.9 – Bay FM Community Disaster Recovery and Emergency Preparedness Campaign
Excellence in Special Events & Outside Broadcasting
  • 3ZZZ – FIFA Women’s World Cup Broadcast
  • MainFM – MAIN Game
  • Ngaarda Media – Tamworth Country Music Program 2024
  • 2DRY FM – 2024 Broken Hill Christmas Pageant
  • 3CR – Camp Sovereignty
Excellence in Station Resilience & Development (Sponsored by the CMTO)
  • 3ZZZ – Building an Eth(n)ical Business Model for 3ZZZ
  • 5THE FM – Rising Out of the Ashes of its Former Self
  • 2MIA FM 95.1 – Station Leadership Committee
  • 88.9 WynFM – Trudy Burkes
  • Collie Community Radio – Transition to New Studio
Outstanding Fundraising & Sponsorship Contribution
  • 96five – 96five’s Building Hope Appeal
  • Fresh 92.7 – Fresh 92.7 Sales Team
  • Vision Australia Radio – Jason Gipps
  • 4RFM – Brianna Baggow
Outstanding Presenter
  • Radio Adelaide – Jarad McLoughlin: De-Stigmatised (Audio Ability Revisited segment)
  • todayscountry94one – Alan Gilmour
  • 3CR – Sasja Sÿdek: Queering the Air
  • RTRFM – Jeff Bullen
  • JOY 94.9 – Demetra Giannakopoulos
Outstanding Presenter News & Current Affairs (Sponsored by Deutsche Welle)
  • 3BBR – Paul Strickland and West Gippsland Week Team
  • 4ZZZ – Alexis Pink
  • Lofty 88.9 – Johnny Emanuele
  • Vision Australia Radio – Peter Greco for Vision Australia Radio
  • Bay FM 99.9 – Mia Armitage
Outstanding Production Contribution
  • RTRFM – Eddie Curtis
  • JOY 94.9 – Elliot Attard
  • Bay FM 99.9 – Bay FM Community Disaster Recovery and Emergency Preparedness Campaign
  • 2DRY FM – Water Watch Production Team
  • 88.9 WynFM – Stephen Kernohan
Outstanding Station Leadership
  • 3ZZZ – Jon King
  • Alive 90.5 FM – Andsley Dennis
  • 88.9 WynFM – Peter White
  • Casey Radio 97.7FM – Nia McMartin
  • 2DRY FM – Megan Williams
Outstanding Technical Contribution
  • Phoenix FM – Peter Williams
  • TripleT 103.9 – Warren Ray
  • Alive 90.5 FM – Alive 90.5FM Tech Team
  • Three D Radio
  • SWR 99.9 FM – Alex Agaciak and Matt Reid
Outstanding Volunteer Contribution (Sponsored by The Centre for Volunteering)
  • 3WAY-FM – Ann Morris
  • Eastside Radio 89.7FM – Elliott Wallace
  • Alive 90.5 FM – Rosh Vee
  • CMS Radio FM 91.1 – Santhosh Nagaiah
  • Fresh 92.7 – Cassandra Johns
Outstanding Youth Contribution (Sponsored by The Centre for Volunteering)
  • RTRFM – Sharlene Baloch and IJ McKenna
  • 2MIA FM 95.1 – Brodie Legge – Youth YAP & Midweek Madness
  • 2NURFM – Olivia Dillon
  • Switch Brisbane – School Yard Sounds
  • CAAMA Radio – Briana Alexander
Troy Garner Award – Best Program: Sports
  • Lofty 88.9 – The Huddle Reformed
  • 3ZZZ – 3ZZZ Sports
  • Triple H 100.1 FM – Triple H Sports – Coverage of NSW Men’s and Women’s Premier Cricket
  • HOT FM Mildura – 2024 SFNL Football Broadcast
  • 2NVR Nambucca Valley Radio – That’s a Wrap

Artificial Intelligence guardrails welcomed for local music creators

Artificial Intelligence guardrails praised, Australia could lead globally in protecting local music creators

A joint statement from music rights organisation APRA AMCOS and peak body National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music Office (NATSIMO)

Music industry bodies APRA AMCOS and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music Office (NATSIMO) welcome new draft AI regulations announced today by the Australian Government, which include mandatory guardrails for transparency on datasets used in AI systems.

Dean Ormston, CEO of APRA AMCOS, says: “This regulatory milestone is a critical step forward in finding ways to protect the rights and livelihoods of music creators and ensuring a fairer and more sustainable industry.

“The introduction of mandatory transparency requirements would be a significant victory for our industry and has the potential to bring Australia into line with European Union and other international jurisdictions that value the economic, social and cultural importance of their arts, reative industries and communities.”

The draft guidelines published today by the Australian Government are a critical next step to ensure Australia’s regulatory system is fit-for-purpose to respond to the distinct risks that AI poses. They include mandatory transparency requirements and guardrails in high-risk settings that include those that would have adverse legal effects, defamation or similarly significant effects on an individual and to the broader Australian economy, society, environment and rule of law, which would include copyright.

“If implemented, these measures have the potential to compel AI platforms and developers to disclose the origin and composition of datasets used to train their systems,” adds Ormston.

“With this level of disclosure, artists, creators and rightsholders can level the playing field and negotiate appropriate agreements and ensure that their intellectual property is only used with the appropriate levels of consent, credit and remuneration.”

Last month APRA AMCOS released a landmark study – AI and Music – detailing the economic impact of AI on the music industry in Australia and New Zealand. The report highlighted alarming projections of revenue and income loss of 23% or $519m by 2028 for artists, songwriters and composers if AI technologies continue to operate without proper regulation and licensing. The report also included the largest survey of its kind, finding that 97% of songwriters, composers and music publishers demand that government pay more attention to the regulatory settings for AI and copyright.

“These draft regulations are a promising step towards protecting the livelihoods of music professionals and ensuring the economic benefits of AI are shared fairly. The industrial-scale copying and scraping by big tech companies to build large language models (LLMs) without regard for artists and creators must stop,” adds Ormston.

“However, these draft regulations are just the beginning. To be effective, these guardrails and transparency obligations must apply to all AI services that are made available in Australia, irrespective of where in the world the AI model’s training took place. This is a global industry and sanctions for non-compliance must also be imposed on platforms based overseas but operating in Australia to avoid unfair competition against local services who want to play by the rules.”

The draft regulations also include consideration for the adverse risks that AI pose to groups of individuals or collective rights of cultural groups. It is critical these guardrails protect the unique Indigenous Cultural Intellectual Property (ICIP) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Leah Flanagan, Director of NATSIMO, says: “The rise of AI technology presents serious risks to the cultural and economic wellbeing of Indigenous communities. The APRA AMCOS report into AI found that 89% of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander songwriters and composers surveyed believe that AI has the potential to lead to cultural appropriation.

“While government efforts have begun to address the unauthorised use of ICIP in arts and crafts, particularly in mass-produced items, this work must focus quickly to include all areas of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural creation.

“We encourage government to look to systems of cultural permission within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities as a blueprint for the use of Indigenous cultural intellectual property within AI.”

APRA AMCOS and the NATSIMO are committed to working closely with government, industry stakeholders, and AI developers to ensure the successful design and implementation of these draft regulations. With the right protections in place, AI can complement and enhance both the music industry and the tech sector, to ensure these new technological advancements are fair and sustainable for all.

The full AI and Music Report and webinar are available at

2024 CBAA Board Nominations Open

The CBAA is calling for nominations for people interested in serving as a Director of the Board. 

2024 CBAA Board Nominations Open 

The CBAA is calling for nominations for people interested in serving as a Director of the Board.

Nominations close at 5.00pm AEST on Friday, 20 September 2024.

There are four (4) Member Elected Director positions up for election this year.


To be eligible, you must be a person nominated by two (2) Permanent Community Broadcasting Members or Temporary Community Broadcasting Members of the CBAA.

Nominees are expected to have a commitment to the ideals of community broadcasting, a solid knowledge of and interest in the development of community broadcasting as a national sector and commit to representing the interests of the whole sector – not just their station or a special interest group.

How to nominate 

Nominees for all positions must contact Liz Freestone to obtain the nomination form (Nomination for the CBAA Board) and return the completed form via email no later than 5.00 pm AEST on Friday, 20 September 2024.

The 2024 CBAA Annual General Meeting will be held at 4:00pm AEST (5:00pm AEDT) on the Gold Coast, Queensland on Friday, 18 October 2024.

Nominations close 28 days before the AGM and nomination forms must be completed correctly, containing a written profile (in third person) of no more than 150 words and attach a headshot photograph.

The profile and photograph will be included in the election documentation that will be distributed by the 27 September 2024. Nominees will also have an opportunity to record a brief introductory video.

Nominations will be checked to ensure they are valid nominations from eligible voting members.

More information 

Further information is available to download below. Any questions on CBAA Board Membership can be directed to EA to the CEO, Liz Freestone on 02 9318 9602 or via email.

PDF icon Information for Nominees for Election to the CBAA Board-2024.pdf


While the fight for the AFL premiership is fiercer than ever, Triple M has pulled ahead of the pack, to dominate radio broadcasting. In 2024 Triple M smashed its own records, delivering its best survey results for audience share and reach in Perth and Adelaide and extending its reach in Melbourne. With an unbeatable streak of 162 consecutive wins over all other commercial competitors*, Triple M is undisputedly the premier broadcaster for footy coverage this September.

Triple M’s footy finals lineup is stacked with AFL legends and the best commentators in the game, including James Brayshaw, Brian Taylor, Dale Thomas, Isaac Smith, Leigh Montagna, Kate McCarthy, Luke Darcy, Bernie Vince, Jude Bolton, Jason Dunstall, Nathan Brown, and more, to give fans the ultimate listening experience.

Throughout September, Triple M’s iconic footy shows will keep the excitement alive with plenty of laughs and expert analysis. Tune in to The Rush Hour Drive shows, The Midweek RubThe Friday HuddleThe Saturday RubThe Sunday Rub, and Dead Set Legends for all the footy action and banter. SCA’s commitment to footy extends to LiSTNR, offering a range of podcasts dissecting every game and providing unparalleled insights into the minds of those playing on football’s biggest stage, including Footy TalkBen and Harry, and The Howie Games.

SCA Head of Sports Content, Ewan Giles, said: “Triple M is the spiritual home of footy. Our line-up of talent is second to none in Australian sports broadcasting, and we’re thrilled to take fans on this thrilling journey to the final Saturday in September.

“With expert commentary, sharp analysis, and plenty of laughs, you won’t want to miss a second of the finals action on Triple M. In a season where the race for the premiership is tighter than ever, Triple M is the ultimate destination to catch every game.”

Triple M’s AFL coverage and dedicated sports shows are available on the Triple M Network and anytime, anywhere on LiSTNR.

Source: GfK Radio Ratings. Metro Survey 5, 2024. Melbourne – Thursday 1800-2230, Friday 1800-2230, Saturday 1200-2230, Sunday 1300-1930. Adelaide – Thursday 1800-2200, Friday 1730-2200, Saturday 1130-2200, Sunday 1230-1900. Perth – Thursday 1800-2030, Friday 1745-2030, Saturday 1000-2030, Sunday 1100-1730. P10+ / P 10-69 / P25-54P10+ / P 10-69 / P25-54. Cume / Market Share %.

About Triple M

For more than 40 years, Triple M continues to be one of Australia’s best-known radio entertainment brands and the only radio network that provides its listeners with a unique combination of Greatest Hits, Sport and Comedy. With 49 stations across Australia, including six digital stations, Triple M 80s, Triple M Classic Rock, Triple M 2000s, Triple M Country, and Triple M 90s, Triple M has become known for playing Rock’s Greatest Hits, and its iconic talent and shows that get people talking.

The iconic brand entertains more than 4.6 million radio and on demand listeners each week and is home to some of Australia’s biggest sporting heroes, comedians and music gurus including Mick Molloy, Marty Sheargold, Mark Geyer, Gus Worland, Margaux Parker, Ryan Girdler, Leisel Jones, James Brayshaw, Billy Brownless, Gorden Tallis, Greg Martin, Mark Ricciuto, Laura O’Callaghan, Chris Dittmar, Peter ‘Spida’ Everitt and Andrew Jarman to name just a few! All Triple M’s content is available live or on demand on the LiSTNR app.



The tenth time’s a charm for Andy Lee and his Do Not Open This Book series, with the latest edition, Do Not Open This Book It Stinks, now in stores, together with the read-along interactive audio version now available free on LiSTNR.

The new story takes readers on a journey of stinky smells, fascinating science facts and an unexpected encounter with a leprechaun. Voiced by Lee, the audio version features an engaging soundscape to bring the book to life and give parents and children an immersive read-along experience. Whilst the main character Wizz begins the story quite relaxed, it’s not long before he is bowled over by smelly footy boots, rotting fish and a skunk. As a touching tribute, Lee has dedicated this edition to his fiancée Rebecca Harding who, in a funny twist, inspired the stinky theme!

To celebrate Wizz’s stinky new adventure, by simply listening to the interactive audio version, kids can discover the code word for a special competition to win a visit from Andy Lee to read his book at their school!

Andy Lee said: “I sincerely hope no one listens to this for the sake of a blue monster called Wizz. He doesn’t want anyone reading the book or reading along with the book. So DO NOT listen to this audio book under any circumstance.”

LiSTNR Original Podcasts Head of Entertainment and Culture, Sam Cavanagh, said: “We’re thrilled that Andy continues to share the humour and creativity his audience know and love from Hamish & Andy, with younger audiences. Like everything Andy does, this interactive audio version of his new book is hilarious and will be enjoyed by parents and kids alike. All ten stories from the Do Not Open This Book series have been transformed into read-along immersive audio experiences and can be found on LiSTNR.”

Andy Lee is a podcaster, musician, TV presenter, and comedian and is best known as one-half of Hamish & Andy, Australia’s most popular podcast*. Lee became an award-winning children’s author by accident. The first book in the series, which he wrote as a surprise for his nephew George, was only ever meant to be printed once. However, since hitting bookshelves the series has gone on to be an international sensation and is sold across the globe.

Do Not Open This Week Book It Stinks can be sniffed out in stores and parents and children can read along with the free interactive audio version on LiSTNRnow.

Source: *Australian Podcast Ranker Top 200 Podcasts – July 2024

 About LiSTNR:

LiSTNR is a curated and personalised, free app offering radio, podcasts, music, and news, creating a new audio destination for all Australians. Featuring a fun and intuitive onboarding process, LiSTNR delivers an audio destination that is built for individual listeners’ routines and preferences. Highly personalised, it provides listeners a new world of audio entertainment, with their own daily feed of audio and easy discovery of new content through curated recommendations. Available across a large array of devices including both iOS and Android, CarPlay and Android Auto, Google Assistant and Alexa and Android TV, LiSTNR enables a fantastic listening experience, anytime and anywhere. Open your Ears to a new world of audio – download the free app today.

Tim Bowden

ABC Managing Director David Anderson has paid tribute to former radio and television broadcaster and author Tim Bowden, who has died aged 87.

Many Australians will be saddened to hear Tim has died. He was for several decades one of our pre-eminent journalists and broadcasters, a storyteller whose curiosity for the world around him was valued by so many of our audiences.

Tim was a correspondent based in Asia and North America during the turbulence of the 1960s and helped Australians understand the overseas events that were having such an impact on Australia and our neighbours in the region. Tim was part of the generation of ABC journalists who brought those events and their meaning into Australian homes every night.

In 1969 Tim was the first executive producer of the radio current affairs program PM, before becoming a producer with the ground-breaking television current affairs program This Day Tonight.

In 1975 Tim joined the ABC’s Radio Drama and Features Department and began making radio documentaries. In the mid-1980s he set up Radio National’s Social History Unit and presented radio documentary and feature programs, Talking History and That’s History.

Tim was perhaps best known as the host of much-loved ABC TV program Backchat from 1986 – 1994 and for his amazing documentaries on Australian research in the Antarctic that produced footage still seen today. He received an Order of Australia for services to public broadcasting in June 1994.

Tim was part of the fabric of the ABC for decades and made a huge contribution to the national public broadcaster and to the nation. He was generous to his colleagues and was known as much for his sense of humour as his passion for journalism and the ABC.

Our condolences go to Tim’s family and many friends and colleagues.

Online Audio: digital’s fastest growing reported revenue channel, up 24% in FY24

Commercial Radio & Audio (CRA) has welcomed figures that show podcast and streaming audio advertising expenditure increased 23.6% year on year in FY24, to $290 million.

Total online audio advertising is the fastest growing display category, according to the Australian Internet Advertising Revenue Report (IARR), compiled by PwC and released today by IAB Australia.

The report also shows strong quarterly growth, with the total of $78.9 million for the June Quarter 2024 surpassing the December Quarter 2023 peak of $77.8 million.

Lizzie Young, CRA Chief Executive Officer, said the results were particularly pleasing off the back of GfK Survey 5 data which showed commercial radio share had reached its highest level since 2014.

“Commercial radio continues to grow its audiences, and one of the reasons is audio is everywhere – whether listeners are tuning into broadcast radio, DAB, or a podcast, audio is in their cars, at home, and with them via their phone,” said Ms Young.

“The FY24 results from IAB are incredibly strong, with total online audio ad spending up 23.6% on FY23, making it the fastest growing display category.

“Advertisers are increasingly investing in online audio because it delivers both audience trust and accessibility.”

The total Australian online audio advertising market in FY24 was $290 million ($185 million streaming and $105 million podcast), representing 4.7% of total general display ad spending for the year.

“The IARR report also shows expenditure on podcast advertising increased by a massive 32% in the June Quarter compared to the March Quarter,” said Ms Young.

“We expect to see more advertisers investing in podcasts, as their popularity continues to increase, as we saw in our first Australian Podcast Bi-Annual Report, released last week.”

The report showed average monthly podcast listeners up increased almost 9% in the first half of 2024 compared to last year.