Nine Radio breaches commercial disclosure rules

Radio 2GB Sydney Pty Ltd and Radio 3AW Melbourne Pty Ltd have breached broadcasting rules by failing to disclose commercial agreements between their presenters and companies featured in their current affairs programs.

An investigation by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) into 2GB’s Ben Fordham Live program looked into comments made in a broadcast on 3 August 2023 that were favourable to ride-share company Uber. The investigation found a commercial agreement in place between Uber and the program host at the time of the broadcast was not disclosed on-air.

A separate ACMA investigation into 3AW Afternoons broadcasts that also aired in August 2023 found that comments favourable to automotive manufacturer BMW were made by the program host without disclosing that there was a commercial agreement in place between BMW and the host.

Both 2GB and 3AW also failed to publish details on their websites of commercial agreements made by their current affairs presenters, as is required by the commercial disclosure rules.

Authority Member Creina Chapman said adequately disclosing commercial agreements is crucial for transparency in current affairs programs.

“These kind of commercial disclosure breaches have the potential to erode the public’s trust in current affairs programming,” Ms Chapman said.

“Listeners deserve to know what commercial agreements are in place and how those deals might relate to what they are hearing on-air.”

Following the investigations and breach findings, the ACMA has issued 2GB and 3AW with remedial directions requiring relevant current affairs presenters, producers and sales staff to undertake formal training on the commercial disclosure requirements.

2GB is also required to commission an external audit of the processes it has in place to comply with the rules. This additional measure has been put in place because 2GB previously breached disclosure rules in 2021.

The ACMA may seek civil penalties if a licensee does not comply with a remedial direction.


Scholarship Recipients (L R) Jennifer Spike, Rachael Bourke, Melika Azimi, Kiera D’Arcy, Luke Hodge, Maggie Videan, Tin Win Hlaing, Ella Carter, Sarah Whyte BW

The Australian Film Television & Radio School (AFTRS) has announced the establishment of two new scholarships – in partnership with The HOYTS Group and with the Dylan Alcott Foundation (DAF) – to support students from under-represented groups in the Australian film and broadcast sectors to study at the School.

AFTRS has also announced the recipients of nine merit-based scholarships, also in partnership with industry leaders, previously established to assist students from diverse backgrounds and under-represented groups to attend AFTRS.

AFTRS works with its partners to offer over 35 scholarships each year that prioritise access and equity, so that the most talented creatives across Australia can access AFTRS’ world-leading creative education.

The HOYTS Group, in partnership with AFTRS, is committed to assisting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples overcome the barriers to education and fulfil their creative dreams and goals. The HOYTS Group First Nations Scholarship will cover the full tuition fee for the standard three-year Bachelor of Arts Screen: Production course (valued at $50,544 in 2025) plus a $2,000 travel bursary for the recipient and their family to cover the cost of travel to Sydney to attend the First Nations Graduation and Graduation.

Jodi Paton, The HOYTS Group Chief People Officer, said: “The HOYTS Group launched its first Reconciliation Plan in 2024. Now we are very proud to support First Nations students studying a Bachelor of Arts Screen: Production through The HOYTS Group First Nations Scholarship. This partnership with AFTRS recognises our shared values in bringing the very fabric of Australian storytelling to life, and the role of ensuring a First Nations narrative remains central to the arts.”

The Dylan Alcott Foundation (DAF) Scholarship aims to break down barriers to education and empower aspiring filmmakers with a disability to achieve their creative dreams. Delivered in partnership with AFTRS, this opportunity for young Australians living with a disability offers one recipient full tuition for the standard three-year Bachelor of Arts Screen: Production course at AFTRS. Valued at $50,544 in 2025, this scholarship will remove a significant financial hurdle and allow a talented student to focus on their studies and hone their filmmaking skills.

Dylan Alcott said: “We are deeply passionate about the transformative power of education and the importance of creating opportunities for young Australians with disability to pursue their creative passions. This scholarship, in partnership with AFTRS, can help shatter barriers in the film industry and empower a new wave of storytellers who can create a more representative and impactful screen culture.”

The successful applicants for both scholarships will be selected based on creative excellence and the impact that the scholarship would have on their education.

“We’re so grateful to The HOYTS Group, Dylan Alcott and the team at DAF for their generosity.  These scholarships are a critical way for us to support talent with a range of lived experiences to come and study with us,” said Dr. Nell Greenwood, CEO at AFTRS. “And these scholarship recipients will go onto create the work that will allow all Australians to see themselves and the full, rich range of life experiences represented on screen.”

AFTRS also announced today the recipients of a First Nations merit scholarship, supported by the Kenneth Myer Fellowship Trust, the ARN Radio and Podcasting Scholarship, the CRA Regional Radio Scholarship, the Glenn Daniel Smooth FM Scholarship supported by NOVA Entertainment, the Glenn Wheatley EON Innovation Scholarship supported by Oceania Capital Partners and GSL Media, the Craft Excellence Scholarship, the Onbass Giant Steps Scholarship, and the Women in Cinematography Scholarship sponsored by SONY.

These students are joined by the inaugural AFTRS Alumni & Industry Fund Scholarship recipient, Sarah Chahine, who was announced earlier this year.

Luke Hodge, a recipient of one of AFTRS’ First Nations Scholarships, supported by the Kenneth Myer Fellowship Trust, said: “Receiving this scholarship is an incredible honour that fuels my passion for storytelling and amplifies my voice as a First Nations Creative. It represents an opportunity to not only pursue my academic and professional goals but also to share the rich and powerful narratives of my community with the world. My aspirations are to continue growing as a producer, creating impactful multi-platform stories that resonate with diverse audiences. I am deeply grateful to the Kenneth Myer Fellowship Trust for believing in my potential and supporting the next generation of storytellers.”

CRA Regional Radio Scholarship recipient Jennifer Spike said: “The CRA Regional Radio Scholarship is an incredible help to me as I upskill and make my way back into the radio industry. From Alice, to Toowoomba, to Perth and many places in between, I have lived in the city, large regional towns and small towns. I love that I am able to live in a regional area and have started to work remotely. I am excited that I can now fulfil a desire to study with AFTRS and I’m grateful to receive this scholarship.”

Glenn Daniel Smooth FM Scholarship recipient Ella Carter said: “I am filled with endless gratitude, exhilaration and pride! To receive the Glenn Daniel Smooth FM Scholarship is such an honour and I could not be more excited to attend AFTRS in 2024. With the help of this Scholarship, I am able to take the leap from New Zealand to Australia and pursue my lifelong dream of becoming a radio host. I hope to share stories, touch hearts and ignite smiles. I will forever be thankful to AFTRS and the team at Smooth FM for this incredible opportunity. Like Mr Daniel, I want to be kind, generous, humble and honest in my craft.”

Glenn Wheatley EON Innovation Scholarship recipient Margaret (Maggie) Videan said: “I am delighted to be the recipient of the Glenn Wheatley EON Innovation Scholarship. More than providing financial assistance, which is of course incredibly helpful, it has given me a heightened faith in myself and galvanised my aspirations as a broadcaster. It has validated the potential I may have in my voice, my narrative and my purpose. This Scholarship also opens up a myriad of opportunities, offering me access to unparalleled resources, mentorship and a community of like-minded creatives. Further, I see this as a unique platform to inspire other women to be aspirational, to be bold, to be tenacious and embrace change through the sharing of stories.”

ARN Radio and Podcasting Scholarship recipient Rachael Bourke: “Being awarded this Scholarship is a testament to the power of passion and determination. I am truly grateful to ARN and AFTRS for the opportunity to amplify my voice, create meaningful stories and inspire others. I look forward to finding my niche in this industry.”

Craft Excellence Scholarship recipient Sarah Whyte said: “I would sincerely like to thank AFTRS for the 2024 Craft Excellence Scholarship. Receiving this scholarship provides me with an amazing opportunity to further advance my cinematography career and learn from some incredible industry professionals.”

Onbass Giant Steps Scholarship recipient Tin Win Hlaing said: “From teaching myself as a kid to now, this Scholarship is a turning point in my filmmaking journey. With it, I can dive deeper into learning. Despite being in the industry for a decade, my passion for filmmaking only grows stronger. This support fuels my determination to chase my dreams. To Onbass and the Gentle Giant Media Group, I’m filled with gratitude and promise to seize this opportunity with all my heart, turning dreams into cinematic reality.”

The Women in Cinematography Scholarship sponsored by SONY had two recipients. Melika Azimi said: “I am sincerely grateful to Sony and AFTRS for awarding me this generous scholarship. My time at AFTRS has cultivated a profound love for the art within me, and with this opportunity I hope to dedicate my time to developing more projects alongside other talented filmmakers. I am confident that my passion for cinematography will not only open opportunities for me within the industry, but also provide a unique perspective for crafting visually powerful and informed films as a writer-director. I hope that this inspires other women to pursue what they love despite any cultural or societal pressures.”

Kiera D’Arcy said: “I am so honoured and grateful to receive this scholarship. It is an amazing achievement for me, as well as a huge confidence boost. This scholarship has proved to me that my hard work and love for this craft is paying off. My future goals are to stay loving this craft and make my solo journey to London, to hopefully be able to pursue this love as a career. I’m excited to be able to bring this achievement into my final year of the BA and really spend the time to focus on cinematography in the classes and projects. I can’t say thank you enough for this scholarship. It means the world to me.”

Applications for AFTRS 2025 award courses, including the Bachelor of Arts Screen: Production, are now open. To learn more about how to apply for the variety of scholarships on offer at AFTRS, including The HOYTS Group First Nations Scholarship and the Dylan Alcott Foundation Scholarship, please visit:


Industry Leaders Fiona Donovan and Greg Woods Join AFTRS’ Council

(L R) Fiona Donovan, Greg Woods

The Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) has announced the appointment of industry leaders Fiona Donovan and Greg Woods to the AFTRS Council.  

Fiona Donovan, a renowned production designer with a distinguished career spanning over three decades, has worked on Australian and international feature films including Christmas Ransom, AscendantTruthThe Shallows and Pacific Rim Uprising. Her television credits include The Twelve, Frayed, Back to the Rafters, Between Two Worlds, Young LionsCrownies, and Love Child. Fiona brings a deep passion for storytelling and a commitment to mentoring emerging talent. As a former AFTRS lecturer and industry mentor, Donovan possesses a unique understanding of the School’s mission and the aspirations of students. 

In announcing Fiona as a Governor General appointment, Arts Minister Tony Burke commented, “ Many Australians will already have watched Fiona’s work on the screen. As an industry professional she knows what goes on behind the scenes to create memorable film and television. 

Fiona has devoted her career to the production and support of Australia’s film and television industry and is a strong champion of the development of original Australian content.” 

“I am honoured and thrilled to be selected to join the AFTRS Council,” said Fiona. “I look forward to working with our amazing chair Rachel Perkins and our fellow Council Members  as well as the high calibre staff led by Nell Greenwood, and all the talented students. I hope to contribute to the vital and innovative work AFTRS is doing nurturing new talent in the media, arts and entertainment industry.” 

Greg Woods, CEO of Fremantle Australia, brings extensive industry experience and a proven track record in strategic leadership to the Council. Throughout his tenure at Fremantle Greg has played an integral role in top-rating and iconic programs such as NeighboursWentworthHeartbreak HighGrand Designs as well as the Fremantle unscripted catalogue programs. Appointed to Council as well as AFTRS’ Finance, Audit & Risk Management (FARM) Committee, which he will chair, Greg’s deep understanding of management and business performance across a global screen landscape will be invaluable as AFTRS continues to evolve and adapt to the changing industry. 

“Being appointed to the council for AFTRS is a tremendous honour,” said Greg, “I look forward to making a strategic contribution to the growth and future of Australia’s premier film and television school.”  

AFTRS Council Chair Rachel Perkins welcomed the appointments, stating, “Fiona Donovan and Greg Woods are both highly respected figures in the Australian film and television industry. Their knowledge and experience will be invaluable to AFTRS as it continues to produce world-class screen talent.” 


#1 STATION AND #1 BREAKFAST SHOW: B105 Brisbane and Triple M Adelaide

#1 The Fox most listened to station in Australia

#1 Hit Network Carrie & Tommy Drive show – 4 in a row

#1 in AFL and NRL footy

SCA continues its reign as Australia’s no.1 25-54 radio network*, winning the key 25-54 buying demographic in today’s GfK Radio360 Metro Survey #5 2024 results and delivering a record-breaking 25th consecutive victory^.

In further outstanding news, the results confirm that SCA dominates as no.1 in both the women 25-54 and men 25-54 commercially critical demographics, proving that the Hit and Triple M networks are the undisputed homes of the audience that matters most to Australian advertisers.

SCA’s Hit and Triple M metro stations wins for Survey 5 include:

  • #1 station B105 Brisbane and Triple M Adelaide overall
  • #1 Breakfast shows B105 Brisbane and Triple M Adelaide
  • #1 national Drive show for the Hit Network Carrie & Tommy Drive show
  • #1 The Fox – most listened to station in Australia with more than 1.26 million listeners

With the pointy end of the AFL and NRL footy seasons approaching, SCA has also continued to triumph as the country’s no. 1 footy radio network:

  • #1 AFL broadcast in metro markets, reaching 710,000 P10+ across the weekend in Melbourne, Adelaide & Perth**
  • #1 AFL broadcast in metro markets, reaching 423,000 P25-54 across the weekend in Melbourne, Adelaide & Perth **
  • #1 NRL reach for P10+ at 379,000^^
  • #1 NRL reach for P25-54 at 203,000^^

SCA Chief Content Officer, Dave Cameron, said: “Australia has a new favourite radio station with The Fox Melbourne today celebrating having the most listeners in the country. The increased weekly audience was powered by the locally adored Fifi, Fev & Nick Breakfast show, which also went up in today’s results. In addition, Carrie and Tommy achieved outright number one Drive in both Melbourne and Brisbane. The show remains Australia’s number one Drive show for the fourth time in a row, dominating their 3-6pm timeslot.

“B105 Brisbane and Triple M Adelaide continue to be the outright winning stations in each city, with B105’s Stav, Abby & Matt continuing its five-in-a-row Breakfast domination of Brisbane. Likewise, Roo, Ditts & Loz delivered their own fifteen-in-a-row run of leadership success in Adelaide.

“SCA maintains its commercially critical 25-54 All People ‘audience that matters’ front-runner position nationally, continuing to deliver a significant leadership gap over all other networks.

“Triple M continues to take ‘speckys’ over its competitors as the number one AFL broadcast nationally, likewise Triple M NRL broadcast delivered strong results across NSW and Queensland as we head into the pointy end of the footy season.

“Today is another great day for SCA’s powerfully integrated Hit and Triple M network duopoly nationally, which drives an unbeatable national foothold of 25-54 All People who continue to engage in our brand-safe, fun, local environments that deliver outstanding results for our clients.”

SCA Chief Commercial Officer, Seb Rennie, said: “SCA is undoubtedly the no. 1 home of the audience that matters – 25-to-54-year-olds, which today’s results have once again confirmed.

“Combined with our SCA-ACE represented metro stations, the metro 25-54 audience share is 35.1%, leading ahead of our nearest commercial competition by 8.4 share points.

“Not only is SCA the largest gathering place for this radio audience, but we also understand it better than any other radio network and we know that audio is thriving amongst this audience.”

“Several factors drive this core audience, and it is by understanding these deeper motivations that we can unlock more effective ways for our own content, as well as our advertisers’ campaigns, to connect with this key demographic.”


*GfK Radio 360 Metro Survey #5 2024.  P10+/P25-54/M25-54/F25-54, Mon-Sun ROS/Mon-Fri 05.30-09.00/Mon-Fri 06.00-09.00/Mon-Fri 15.00-18.00/Mon-Fri 16.00-19.00. Total Radio. Market Share/Commercial Share/Cume Reach.
^[25] surveys since Survey #5, 2021FM & DAB+

** GfK Radio Ratings. Metro Survey 5, 2024. Melbourne – Thursday 1800-2230, Friday 1800-2230, Saturday 1200-2230, Sunday 1300-1930. Adelaide – Thursday 1800-2200, Friday 1730-2200, Saturday 1130-2200, Sunday 1230-1900. Perth – Thursday 1800-2030, Friday 1745-2030, Saturday 1000-2030, Sunday 1100-1730. P10+ / P 10-69 / P25-54 / P 10-69 / P25-54. Cume / Market Share %

^^ GfK Radio Ratings. Metro Survey 5, 2024. Sydney / Brisbane. – Thursday 1900-2200, Friday 1800-2000, Saturday 1200-1700, Sunday 1200-1600. P10+ / People 10-69 / People 25-54. Cume Reach / Market Share %

About SCA (Southern Cross Austereo)  

Southern Cross Austereo (SCA) is one of Australia’s leading media companies reaching more than 95% of the Australian population through its radio, television, and digital assets. Under the Triple M and Hit network brands, SCA owns 154 stations across FM, AM, and DAB+ radio.  SCA also provides national sales representation for 56 regional radio stations. SCA broadcasts 96 free to air TV signals across regional Australia, reaching 3.6 million people a week, with Network 10 programming and advertising representation across Australia’s East Coast, Seven Network programming in Tasmania and Darwin, and Seven, Nine and Ten programming in Spencer Gulf. SCA also features Sky News Regional in 17 markets across regional Queensland, southern NSW, and Victoria. SCA has an exclusive national sales representation agreement with WIN in northern NSW (including the Gold Coast) and TDT (Tasmanian Digital Television). SCA operates LiSTNR, Australia’s free, personalised digital audio destination for consumers featuring radio, podcasts, music, news, and sport. SCA provides Australian sales representation for global open audio platform SoundCloud and Sonos Radio. SCA’s premium brands are supported by social media, live events and digital platforms that deliver national and local entertainment, news, and sport content.

Farewelling Frank Bonaccorso from National Radio News

National Radio News (NRN) is farewelling News Director Frank Bonaccorso after almost five years of work with the NRN and the News Collaboration project. Frank may be moving on to new challenges but a story he previously reported on took a major turn just as he prepared to leave the role.

That story was of the Nguyen family from Bathurst, a Vietnamese family facing deportation due to a visa mishap. What began as a local issue gained national attention thanks in part to Frank’s efforts.

On Frank’s last day in the Bathurst newsroom, the story took an unexpected turn. Local member for Calare, Andrew Gee, informed Frank that the news had reached Immigration Minister, Tony Burke, who was now aware of the family’s situation and in a position to intervene.

Dr Eduardo Jordan, Executive Producer of The Wire and Newsroom Coordinator at 4EB has praised Frank’s skills as a journalist as well as the mentorship he provided for community radio newsrooms around Australia.

“Frank Bonaccorso is one of the most respected journalists and news editors I have worked with. His editorial skills and journalistic experience has not only placed NRN in a good position within the sector, but also has contributed to the success of the sector’s News Network by providing feedback and support to the rest of the community newsrooms across Australia. Frank not only has become a colleague and a immense source of knowledge, but a friend that I will miss working with. I wish Frank all the best in his future endeavours and I hope to work with Frank in the near future”.

We wish Frank all the best in his future endeavors and thank him for his invaluable contributions to the NRN, the News Collaboration project and the communities they serve.

POSITION: Senior Production/Radio Technician, Radio 4EB, Brisbane QLD

Are you a passionate and experienced radio producer looking for an exciting opportunity to work with diverse communities? Radio 4EB, Brisbane’s leading ethnic community radio station, is seeking a skilled, full-time Senior Production / Radio Technician to join our vibrant team!


Contract Details:

  • Location: Brisbane, QLD.
  • Contract Duration: Full-time (Initial 12 month contract with 3 months probation period)
  • Start Date: 30 September.
  • Hours: Flexible, with some evening/weekend work required.


About Us:

4EB is dedicated to broadcasting in over 50 languages, connecting communities through culture and conversation. We pride ourselves on empowering voices from diverse backgrounds and delivering quality content that informs, educates, and entertains.


Position Overview:

As a Senior Production /Radio Technician, you will work closely with the Station Manager to oversee the Broadcast Services of the organisation. Including, but not limited to:  Support of broadcasters in preparation, production and scheduling of weekly programs, engineer studio recordings, preparation of all on air campaigns, station promotions, overseeing the recording process for internal purposes and external hires, including any after-hours requirements, set-up and attendance of events, care and maintenance of technical and production equipment and general production duties as specified by the Station Manager from time to time.


What We’re Looking For:

  • Proven experience in radio production and broadcast technology (radio experience, broadcast support and live radio, outside broadcast experience/ experience with codecs, repairs and fault-finding)
  • Proven creative production skills.
  • Extensive sound engineering experience – studio recording
  • Computer networking / IT experience
  • Ability to manage multiple projects and work within deadlines.
  • Excellent communication and leadership skills.
  • Passion for working with diverse communities and cultures.
  • Understanding of community radio values and ethics.


How to Apply:

If you’re excited about contributing to a vibrant multicultural station and have the skills to enhance our programming and technical services, we’d love to hear from you! Please send your CV, a brief cover letter, and any relevant work samples to  by COB Thursday 12 September.


PDF icon View the position description.


Radio 4EB is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees and contractors. Join us in making a difference in community radio!

Radio’s Consistent Growth – Connecting Communities, Anytime, Anywhere

Commercial Radio & Audio (CRA) is pleased to announce that commercial radio share has reached its highest level since 2014, climbing to an impressive 74.6%. This surge reflects nearly 10% growth over the past three years*, underscoring radio’s role in connecting communities and delivering trusted content.

According to the latest GfK Survey 5, 2024, commercial radio now reaches 12.3 million weekly listeners, who spend an average of 12 hours and 51 minutes with their favourite stations. This growth highlights radio’s enduring appeal and its unique ability to adapt to changing listener preferences.

Lizzie Young, CRA’s Chief Executive Officer, stated, “Radio’s capacity to seamlessly connect with listeners anytime and anywhere – is unmatched. Our commitment to delivering compelling, reliable content ensures Australians always have access to the programs they love, right at their fingertips.”

Among the 25-54 demographic, a critical audience for advertisers, commercial radio saw a 3.1% year-on-year (YOY) increase, adding 181,000 listeners to surpass 6 million weekly. Breakfast shows reach over 8.8 million listeners weekly, with Time Spent Listening (TSL) at an average of 3 hours and 37 minutes.

Radio’s reach continues to expand beyond traditional settings. Listeners in car growing by 4.8% YOY, with over 10 million people tuning in weekly this way. These listeners spend an average of 5 hours and 26 minutes tuned in, integrating it into their routines. At home and at work listeners tune in for an average of 10 hours and 1 minute and 12 hours and 41 minutes (+2 hours and 9 minutes YOY) respectively.

The digital transformation of radio is accelerating this growth, with 3.4 million Australians streaming commercial radio weekly for an average of 4 hours and 16 minutes, with 69.1% of these listeners tuning in from home, 28.1% in the car, and 26.9% at work.

Commercial DAB+ only radio stations are also on the rise, attracting an audience of over 2.6 million. TSL on Commercial DAB+ only stations have increased by 18 minutes to 6 hours and 26 minutes, highlighting the growing popularity of digital radio.

“As audio evolves, its importance as a trusted source of news, local information, entertainment, and community connection only grows stronger. Our focus remains on enhancing the listener experience and offering advertisers meaningful opportunities to engage with audiences at scale,” added Ms Young.

Source: GfK 360 Radio Ratings, SMBAP S5 2024, compared to S5 2023, All people 10+, Mon-Sun 12mn-12mn, Cume (000’s), unless otherwise stated. Weekly Time Spent Listening (hh:mm). All numbers refer to commercial radio results unless otherwise stated.

*Compared to S5 2021

Nine Radio No.1 in Sydney and Melbourne & No.1 streaming nationally


Sydney’s 2GB and Melbourne’s 3AW are top of the medal tally as the No.1 stations in GfK Radio 360 Survey 5, with Breakfast and Mornings also claiming gold in both cities following an incredible run as the official audio broadcaster of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

2GB commanded Sydney’s airwaves with a 13.3 share, and 3AW increased its lead as Melbourne’s No.1 with a 14.7 share (up 1.0). 

Across Breakfast, Ben Fordham Live dominates with a leading 15.6 share, while 3AW’s Breakfast with Ross and Russ holds the top spot in Melbourne with a share of 21.7 (up 2.1).

The Ray Hadley Morning Show hit another incredible milestone as No.1 for the 159th consecutive time, with a 15.7 share, and Mornings with Tom Elliott remains the undefeated No.1 with Melburnians, securing a 18.4 share (up 2.7).

Nine Radio’s Head of Content, Greg Byrnes, said: “These results show that in Australia’s most competitive radio markets, listeners are locked on to our talk stations for the trusted news, information and insight we deliver each day.”

“At 2GB and 3AW, the Breakfast and Morning programs are again clear number one. In Sydney and Melbourne we’ve dominated the ratings all year and that’s been reinforced even further today.

“The Paris Olympics coverage played a part in this survey, and we are extremely proud of how our radio team delivered. It’s great to see our loyal listeners tuned in to us for the duration of what was an historic Games for Australia.”

(4 markets)
1.848 million
listeners each week


Nine Radio remains the definitive No.1 destination for live audio listeners across the countrywith its commercial streaming share surging to 30.5 (up 3.6).

2GB and 3AW are No.1 in overall commercial streaming, with a 32.8 (up 3.1) and 32.5 (up 6.0) share respectively, as well as across all main standard sessions.

Breakfast and Mornings saw listener numbers increase, with Ben Fordham posting a commercial streaming share of 40.3 and Ross and Russ recording a dominant commercial streaming share of 50.3 (up a staggering 14.5).

Mornings at 2GB and 3AW also recorded a No.1 commercial streaming share with 35.7 for Ray Hadley (up 6.9) and 38.0 (up 4.4) for Tom Elliott, respectively.

Greg Byrnes, said: “Nine Radio’s streaming result goes from strength to strength with this survey highlighting 9% growth across the network. We’re again the clear number one streaming network with 2GB, 3AW, 4BC and 6PR all recording gains.”

“Our live sport offering is without peer, with Survey 5 including every heart-stopping moment from the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. What’s pleasing is that more and more listeners are turning to talk via streaming to engage with their favourite sporting code or the news and information relevant to their lifestyle.”

(up 3.6)
(up 9%)


The Nine Podcast Network reached over 1.6 million listeners and 4.1 million downloads in July, and had two programs topping both the Spotify and Apple podcast ranks.

The Ultimate Sacrifice debuted on the Australian Made podcast ranker at No.53, attracting over 100,000 listeners and over 200,000 downloads, and Just Married:The Anthea Bradshaw Mystery debuted at No.95 with 54,000 listeners and 76,000 downloads.

Further highlights include 2GB’s Ben Fordham Live appearing at  No.49 with 113,000 listeners and over 278,000 downloads and The Ray Hadley Morning Show reaching 48,000 listeners and 114,000 downloads. 3AW is Football reached over 50,000 listeners and 129,000 downloads, while Mornings with Tom Elliott followed closely with 45,000 listeners and 115,000 downloads. Breakfast with Ross and Russ jumped an incredible 44 places on the ranker, reaching 43,000 listeners and 104,000 downloads.

Nine’s Head of Podcasts and Digital Content, Mia Stern said: “These results underscore the indispensable power of longform, narrative storytelling. In an era of shrinking attention spans, podcasts are bucking the trend as listeners are spending more time deeply engaged with our programs.’’

4.1 million 1.63 million

Source: GfK Radio360 Ratings, Survey 5 2024, Mon-Sun 5.30am-12MN, Market Share % Total, Market Share Streaming %, Commercial Streaming Share %, Cume (000s) Total and Streaming, 3AW Breakfast Mon-Fri 5.30am-8.30am, 3AW Mornings 8.30am-12pm, AP10+, Nine Radio – 2GB, 3AW, 4BC, 6PR, unless otherwise specified.

Source: Triton Podcast Metrics, July 2024, Downloads, Listeners, Nine Entertainment, unless otherwise specified.

2GB dominates Sydney’s airwaves

The Ray Hadley Morning Show hit another incredible milestone as No.1 for the 159th consecutive time, with a 15.7 share, and a dominant 35.7 in commercial streaming.

Michael McLaren claimed his first No.1 spot since taking the helm of 2GB Afternoons, with a 11.0 share (up 0.4) and 33.6 in commercial streaming (up 12.0).

2GB Content Manager, Luke Davis, said: “This survey covers the best part of three months of the year, and today’s results clearly demonstrate that Sydneysiders have chosen 2GB as their No.1 destination for news, entertainment and live sport.”

“With Australia recently enjoying its most successful Olympic Games ever, 2GB – as host broadcaster – was able to bring our listeners closer to the action than ever before; sharing in all the highs, lows and inspirational stories that had our city talking.

“It’s what we do best. Our team takes great pride in serving our Sydney listeners and we are grateful for their loyalty.”

Further highlights of Gfk Radio 360 Survey 5 in Sydney:

  • Drive with Chris O’Keefe recorded an 8.2 share (Mon-Fri 3pm-6pm)
  • Money News with Deborah Knight is No.1 with a 14.5 share (Mon-Thu 7pm-8pm)
  • Nights with John Stanley remains the clear No.1 with a share of 24.0 (up 1.8 and almost triple his nearest competitor) (Mon-Thu 8pm-12am)
  • Weekends with Luke Grant is No.1 with a share of 13.2 (Sat-Sun 9am-1pm)
  • The Continuous Call Team is No.1 in Rugby League with a 9.7 share

Source: GfK Radio360 Ratings, 2GB Sydney Survey 5 2024, Mon-Fri 5.30am-9am, Mon-Fri 9am-12pm, Mon-Fri 12pm-3pm, Mon-Fri 3pm-6pm, Mon-Thur 7pm-8pm, Mon-Thur 8pm-12MN, Sat-Sun 9am-1pm, Fri 7pm-11pm, Sat 1pm-10pm, Sun 1pm-6pm, Market Share % Total Radio, Streaming share % AP10+ .

3AW continues its unbroken run as Melbourne’s No.1

Every week, the station’s engaging blend of live, locally-focused talk radio attracts a cumulative audience of 767,000 listeners across Melbourne – up by more than 40,000 listeners on Survey 4.

Ross and Russ maintain their stronghold on Melbourne’s breakfast radio scene with an impressive 21.7 share – up 2.1 points on Survey 4 and more than double their closest competitor. Moreover, the pair claimed a whopping 53% of the commercial streaming audience.

In just his fifth survey in the mornings slot, Tom Elliott has firmly established himself as Melbourne’s No. 1, achieving a leading 18.4 share (up 2.7 points on Survey 4). Tom added an additional 99,000 listeners since the previous survey and now boasts a cumulative audience of 530,000. He also secured a top commercial streaming share of 38%.

Tony Moclair is the No.1 Afternoon talk program with a share of 10.1 – more than double his nearest talk competitor.

Jacqui Felgate is once again Melbourne’s No. 1 drive talk program with an 8.5 share – up 0.1 on Survey 4 and her third successive survey share growth. Jacqui added an additional 34,000 listeners since the previous survey and now has a cumulative audience of 319,000.

Denis Walter remains the leading evening program in Melbourne, boasting a 19.5 share – 7.3 points ahead of his nearest competitor.

Stephen Beers, 3AW Station Manager, said: “Survey 5 once again confirms 3AW as Melbourne’s top radio choice. From Ross and Russ leading the way in breakfast, the only program in double figures – adding number two and three together and you still don’t catch them. Tom Elliott’s continued strength in mornings, and Jacqui Felgate’s growing success in the drive shift, the results are a testament to the hard work of our on-air and behind-the-scenes teams. We thank our loyal listeners for their outstanding support and eagerly anticipate delivering all the Paralympic excitement to them in the coming weeks.”